Capricorn Moon Wisdom (my natal moon!)

"This CAPRICORN FULL BLESSING MOON has our deepest desires illuminated and we are asked to ground them to the earth so that we can live them now, for the benefit of our own lives, and for the planet. It's time for passionate celebration and activation! The Full Moon glow brings a tangible and grounded expansion to our personal growth and sovereignty, abundance, prosperity, relationships, inner wisdom and our capacity to feel and experience love in the body as medicine. It's time to take stock of all of that we can be grateful for, for all the blessings and abundance already present, as well as what emotional and earthly needs/desires have not been met, and to initiate new ways to getting these met with creativity, support and grace. Also, in Vedic and Hindu Tradition, it is Guru Purnima! This special Full Moon, once a year, is a time of honoring those that have been and are, our teachers. This moon is dedicated to those who have illuminated us in some way, who have taught us and guided us, and who have shown us more of who we truly are and why we are here." - Achintya Devi

Special gratitude for Joy Ravelli and Kendall Eric Sparks, my teachers. I feel so blessed to teach alongside you on the Big Island for our upcoming Manifest Your Destiny - Yoga Retreat in Hawaii!